Scout Tug of War

Cambridge District Scout Archive

An event recorded at the first Brownsea Island Camp Tug of War has a long history but few records. It required little specialist equipment, a little space and is the clearest ‘team’ event possible as no one competitor can win it unaided. Like many events it is a background activity and is only rarely recorded.

The first records in Cambridge District relate to the 1912 Sports competition and are mentioned in the 1st Cambridge Troop magazine ‘Fleur-de-lis’.

The Perse (5th Cambridge) record Tug of War in an inter patrol event in 1914, but few records , and no individual trophy exist.

A Cub Scout Tug of War has been carried out at Cub District camp from at least 2009, and a new trophy from 2013.

JWR Archivist June 2021