Perne Road bust

Cambridge District Scout Archive

A history of the bust

John (Flea) Woolfenden’s father purchased the bust which had come from a building in Holborn (London). He donated it following discussion with Peter Arthur DC, who was also the County Architect and overseeing Perne Road.

John was called in to help inserting it into the wall and recalls the mortar used for the wall as being very strong. It appears it was inserted after the wall was finished. The bricks at the edge of the bust are broken and the mortar acts as a filler, the edges of the fleur de lys are clean.

They placed a shilling behind the bust as was usual when installing major architectural features.

The Fleur de lys was contemporary with the original building as the ‘Proposed’ plans show

John was GSM of the 7th Cambridge (County School) after this point and their Senior Scout Log book of the 7th gives him much credit for the construction. The 7th Senior Scouts used Perne Road as their HQ.

JWR Archivist June 2019