23rd Rovers

Cambridge District Scout Archive

The very strong 23rd Rover Crew provided many leaders to the District and supported the 23rd for many years. The Evercircular letters (see separate category) were the result of their friendship and the leadership of the GSL Fred Feary and the involvement of Bill Thurbon (W T Thurbon), Ken North and other strong and long serving Cambridge Scouters.

It was originally named ‘Hereward the Wake’ although this fell into disuse.

The following list of members is provided by WTT in reviewing his scrapbook 40 years after. A further, wider, list of names is added to the Evercircular letters section. See also 1931 photograph in following page.

Note the hiatus between 1926 and 1928. The last line lost from the shot above is (Medal) of merit.

Note the change of name for Ernst Rosenberg to ‘Russell’.

JWR Archivist Jan 2020