65th Cambridge (Holy Sepulchre Church) Outline History

Cambridge District Scout Archive

Details are from the Holy Sepulchre Parish Magazine, a minimal sheet with many missing from the archive.

May 1938

A Scout Troop began Fri May 20th

  • Mr. Jack Taylor (1st class Scout and Rover)
  • Don Custerson
  • Rev. John Needham (Vicar)

The troop was initiated following a parishioner request, the Church having Girls Friendly Society but nothing for the boys.  The Troop was ‘looking forward to their first camp in July and some were ready to pass their Tenderfoot test and we hope uniforms will soon be available.  The Troop did not generate a Pack or a Crew.

The church appears to have supported the troop with finances from the CEMS and a Troop noticeboard from Mr. Terry.  They had a flag dedicated on 14th May 1939 and a Union Flag donated. 

The Vicar John Needham left to work in the forces with the coming of war and an acting vicar Rev. Robert Stinker stepped in.  His son, also Rev. Robert Stinker, had been discharged from the army following a major injury falling from his horse and was living with his parents.  He appears to have become the SM.

Don Custerson had joined the RAF.  ‘Much loved by all who knew him’ also hoped to take Holy Orders but died on active service.

The troop recorded one evacuee among 15 Scouts in 1939 and one in 1940.

The replacement vicar died and presumably his son left as the new acting vicar took over.  The Parish Magazine records the last use of Church Hall by the Scouts in November 1942.  Rev John Needham returned after the war but left the parish in 1947. No further mention of Scouts occurs in this archive set which finishes in 1954.

The 65th Cambridge (Holy Sepulchre Church)had changed its name to 65th Cambridge on 22 September 1943 and was active and amalgamated with the 26th in 1945.

  • A J L Davis                   leader 1944    

The ‘65th‘ closed in 1947 when the 26th was registered as Zion Church.

JWR Archivist June 2022