Baden Powell Cambridge 1917

Cambridge District Scout Archive

The Chief Scout’s Visit for our Rally of June 13, 1917, still stands out in our memories as a red-letter-day. A German bomb dropped on the front of his train in Liverpool Street Station; but in spite of it all, B.P. arrived serene and smiling, though three hours late. Many had told us that it was hopeless to expect the Troops to give a decent show in war-time; but they did, -especially the 10th and 21st with their Telegraphy, the 5th with their Camp-pole of Scout-staves, the 11th with their Zulu war-dances and camp oven, the 8th and 9th with their double lock-trestle bridge, the 13th with their burning house, and the 1st with their shipwreck. How the crowd swarmed over us on Sheep’s Green! and how we cheered the Chief after his speech at the P.L’s. Conference in the evening!Reveille

From C T Wood’s album

Sampling Scout honey
Cutting from Cambridge Chronicle and University Journal July 1917
Headquarters Gazette July 1917
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From Cambridge Independent Press 13th July 1917

JWR Archivist Mar 2019