Advance Party Report

Cambridge District Scout Archive

The Cambridge Districts were aware of the Committee from 1964.

The following summary of changes under the Advance Party Report of 1966 was drawn up in Cambridge District. Although not signed it was probably compiled by K Mackay District Senior Scout Leader and first District Venture Scout Leader (possibly ADC VS). The handwriting is similar to a signed piece.

The recommendations, most of which were adopted, made large changes to uniform, the structure of Section and badge structure. Many leaders were unhappy with part or all of the changes. Some changes did not ‘hold’, the change of Wood Badge to ‘Leader Training Course’ slipped, but the main structure did.

Following the changes membership in Cambridge District increased steadily for a number of years. The 1971 County AGM reported a 28% increase in Cambridge District since 1968.

From ‘Alan Mackenzie 11th/9th Archive’.

JWR Archivist Mar 2021